Each and every day infants across North America are shaken and abused because the person caring for them became frustrated with their crying. Many times the abuse could have been prevented had the person caring for the infant only known that early infant crying can be normal.
CLICK for Babies is a North American initiative to help educate caregivers about normal infant crying, how to cope with crying and the dangers of reacting to crying in frustration by shaking or harming an infant.
Knit 1

Knit or crochet a soft to the touch purple colored cap or bootie! Click the purple "Mail To" button in the right margin to find the mailing address to where you can send your caps or booties. Please send your caps and booties by September 30, 2023. Caps and booties will be distributed to families in November and December along with the Period of PURPLE Crying program.
Get StartedTell 2

Spread the word about CLICK for Babies, the Period of PURPLE Crying and Shaken Baby Syndrome verbally, through social media and/or by hanging up flyers around the community. Visit your local organization's social media page for local information to share.
Learn HowGive 3

Monetary donations will be used to help prevent shaken baby syndrome and improve the overall care of infants. Give a local crafter soft-to-the-touch washable yarn, or give your time and volunteer!
Donate Now